The picture to the left shows some of the components that have recently arrived. They are: the scratchplate (1ply, like Gilmour's), output socket / jack, the David Gilmour neckplate as mentioned in the previous entry and the electronics pack - which includes a 5-way switch, 3 pots (for the tone and volume controls), a capacitor and some wire.
I still need to by knobs and a tip for the 5-way switch as well as some soldering equipment (which was going to be this one from Amazon, but they're currently not selling them). But all these electronic components are pretty useless until I get the pickups.
I have also purchased some other small things like screws for the scratchplate and (seeing as I bent one of the bridge screws) a new set of bridge screws.
The next item to buy will (probably) be the neck, I'm trying to find a good Fender maple neck on eBay, but failing that I may have to go for a replica neck and Fender decals, which is cheating, but Gilmour did it in the 80s...
As usual, I don't know when the next entry will come, probably when more parts come I suppose. If you want to know when I make my next post here, check out my MySpace where I put links to this blog.
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